Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Corazon Collantes - Evil Poses As A Saint

If there is anything I've learned from this experience, it's that evil exists in the form of a saint. That some of the nicest people are the most evil. That having 2 drivers, house cleaners and gardenners is more important than preserving the lives she destroys. I want people to come clean about what she has done to them and speak out.

Obviously this woman figured out she could get people to work for her to support her lifestyle of the rich and famous, and take the credit and payment. This could only go down in a highly unintelligent country, which I would call the Philippines.

I made that mistake, but look at the deception written all over the internet, look at all the awards she's won. How can Phillipinos be so stupid? To actually believe this woman is a great surgeon, when the whole time she's been riding on everyone elses backs and lying to the tax office.

The disgusting excuse for a human being refused to refund me. I will take this to the Phillipines tax office. She made me pay her in cash so she doesn't have to pay tax. I had to demand the receipt. She didn't even want to give me that. She just wanted to do a quickie and rip money from me, so she could save for her retirement.

What a piece of sh*t excuse for a human being. And They call her Mother of Plastic Surgery? I wish they would take all these things off the internet, I don't want this to happen to anybody else.

I pray she gets the karma she deserves. It's not fair to unsuspecting victims to be befooled by what they read on the internet.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Advice for People Seeking Plastic Surgery

I really want to give this advice to people who may be thinking about getting Plastic Surgery.

Please consider a few things. Firstly, your plastic surgeon won't get affected if you end up looking like a Raggy Doll that's been chewed up by a dog. It's more than likely your surgeon is pretty detached and unaffected by his or her results enough that they don't have a problem, crunching, cutting and snapping bits of your body up with blood squirting out.

Your plastic surgeon is probably going to charge as much money as they can. If they cared, they would probably lower their price to help people as opposed to saving up for a ferrari.

Your plastic surgeon is mostly not held liable for their actions. So in my case, if your surgeon decides for a quick lipo, or imposing a totally different result to what was agreed on, your completely out of luck.

If I was to give advice to anyone on Plastic Surgery, I would say don't do it. Your body is too important to be lost to a lunch time lipo job.

There are actually pretty inexpensive and completely free ways to transform your body. One of them is Carole Magios Facersize. I got the best and Most Natural looking Eye Lift ever thanks to My Girl Carole. Now I know many people assume she's had Plastic Surgery. But believe me, there is no plastic surgeon that can make a 70 something year old woman look like that. None!

Your Health. If you don't have the energy to exercise, you're probably dealing with pretty much what the majority of the population is dealing with. An Immune System that just can't keep up with the times - and allot of hidden infections that won't come up in standard blood tests. Make sure you check out the Spooky2 Rife System.

And Last But not Least. As Crazy as this may sound. If I had to do it again, I would use Orins "Clearing Energy With Your Divine Self" which you can download on www.orindaben.com There is certainly a metaphysical component to people recieving a tragic result and thats mostly because... Tragically... Different Versions of The Same People Truly Do Exist.

Judge a Surgeon on their Work More Than Anything, And Never on Their Word Alone. You're pretty much going to get what they give Everybody Else.

Just Rely on yourself, and god. I learned that the hard way, People in general aren't working for you. They are working against you.


Sunday, 30 July 2017

Corazon Collantes MD - Summary

So let's sumarize what this poor excuse for a human being; Did to my body:

1. Imposed the complete utter opposite of what we agreed on with my nose;

Resected even more of the septum leaving it super thin

Resected even more of the lower lateral cartlidge, sutured it up and added miniscule concheal implant leaving me with a super pointy tip.

Added a dorsal hump

Derotated the tip, giving me frankly, the droopiest nose I've ever had. Far droopier than even my biological nose.

Reduced Premaxillary projection, so my nose hooks inward.

2. Took the whole buccal fat pads out, leaving two indentations on my cheeks.

3. Shaved down all the fat around my rib cage. Which frankly looks horrible on someone with a slender frame who weighs 83kg!!!

Leaving obvious streaks where she meticulously removed the fat around my rib cage.

Ignored the correct areas which were marked for liposuction.

4. Hired the cheapest staff she could possibly find + used my body as an oppertunity to train 2 more students.

5. Sent me to a cheap hospital leaving me with a deadly mutent strep infection which sent me to hospital many times, left me bedbound to this day and almost took my life.

6. Continuelly lied about her actions, not taking responsability and blaming it on external factors.


If this is what The Philippines regards as 'The Mother of Plastic Surgery' I urge all travellers to stay away from The Philippines. Obviously this must be a very Primitive and Underdeveloped Country to assign a Horror Surgeon Known as 'Dr Corazon Jose Collantes' the Label 'Mother of Plastic Surgery'. If anyone ever asks me about Dr Corazon Collantes, I will tell them straight; She's a Horror Surgeon Straight from Hell. Keep your kids, your friends and your neighbhours away from this phoney, fake and decietful woman.

Friday, 26 May 2017

The Woman who thinks she Knows Best

It seems completely insane to me, that a person would decide she has the right to impose a different result to what we agreed on, and would even lie to defend her actions. I cannot believe that there are people like this.

My mistake was trusting what I read on the internet. I am sure she was a good surgeon a long time ago - compared to what was available at that time.

I was wrong to trust someone based on what I read on the internet and I know now to trust a person on their work never their word.

I did nothing wrong and I am completely innocent. I was desperate, neive and vulnerable. I have a better idea on who is a good surgeon now.

The whole thing was a big waste on my health, my time, my money and my wellbeing.

I don't believe anyone who does these things will get away with it.

I will never trust a person again.

Knowing that people care much more about fulfilling their selfish desires than serving others.

I assumed people would be like me and do their best to serve others.

I gave her my trust and in the end she did what was more convenient for her.

Did she expect me to walk away looking like that and not say anything?

Conditions don't improve in those countries because they are passive and just allow people to do bad things.

They call this 'having a good heart'.

It's their acceptance of god awful things that makes their country a worse place to live. The fact that they are so neive and would revere a person like that makes me assume Phillipinos are of a lesser intelligence.

I know now thats a terrible place to go to and I would never do it again.

Obviously some countries are more advanced than others, and merely being polite doesn't make you a better person.

No I do not trust Phillipinos from abroad who seem very nice but are brutally self serving. I am not one to discredit all Phillipinos as I have met and have one in my family who are very sincere and kind. It was my Phillipino friend who took me in when I had no place to stay; and as she said, there are snakes in every race.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Finding Acceptance

What is done is done and there is not much to do about it.

After that experience I will never trust a person ever again, especially not with my body unless I have to.

The truth is, this woman just wanted to do what was most convenient for her that her collegues would approve of.

The nose imposition was her collegues decision, the 'general' liposuction was to entertain two graduates on how to perform liposuction. And emptying the buccals out was just more convenient than a minor resection.

Its not to say she didn't put time and effort on my nose. But it was a totally dysmorphic vision. I have more photos where you can see after the tipped drooped more.

I really do question Phillipinos level of intelligence to revere a person who does low standard work. But I guess she was ahead of her time when the Plastic Surgery Era began.l in the Philippines.

The fact that level of imposition is accepted makes me understand one of the differences between 'third world' and 'first world'.

Ive done allot of meditation and frequency therapy to recover from the suffering. I will never trust a plastic surgeon again, unless I absolutely must. If I could change the past; I would only trust god with my body.

I had no idea I bought into this deceptive reality and believed people cared. The love of money is to great for others to love God.

The second hardest thing through all of this is staring at the mirror; knowing myself was taken away from me. When I made this decision I was in dire straights and desperate to be beautiful. I should have known better than to trust what I read on the internet.

The hardest thing, is having faith that I can look like me again.

Even if I have to transform every part of me to light. I will do so; I will find a way.

I believe in karma.

Something incredible hapenned to me recently. That was revealed to me, that nobody gets away with anything and that this reality is more illusionary than we know. Especially appearances. I know Dr Corazon Collantes will get karma for what she did and I really feel sorry for her, because I know she will come back and experience it herself.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Panic Attacks

I emotionally cannot deal with what this horrible nasty demonic woman did to my body.

She wanted to hyper masculinize my body. She completely imposed a wierd look that was completely wrong for me, that I did not agree with.

She wanted to sharpen my nose into a tiny downwards point. Give a chubby body a masculine, up to the breast shaven look and completely emptied out my buccal fat pads. It looked horrendously ugly. She had no right to impose this horrible look onto me against my consent.

She had no right to do this to my body. I did not agree to this. She told me she would do what I wanted. It was not fair.

I cannot believe people think she is a great surgeon and celebrate her. Dr Jose Corazon Collantes is a complete and utter fraud. She took my money and made me ugly. I did not want this hyper masculine look. It is not right for me. I hope god punishes her for what she did to me.

I wish I never saw this horrible woman. What a big mistake. In the future I will judge someone by their work, not their word.

Here are some pictures revealing what she did to my poor unfortunate body.

This woman is like Ursula from the little Mermaid. A complete deciever, a complete witch. And she continues to lie and defend her actions.

Here is the proof. Don't be unintelligent and go by someones word. Investigate!

Phillipinos don't do their homework and investigate the truth, thats why they get rorted. Next time I won't trust something solely based on what I hear.

Seeing is believing.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

A Brush with Death

I didn't think I would make it today. I went to the dining room but I felt very dizzy. I fell to the floor in excruciating pain. Still, I was determined to eat the Pizza my step mother had prepared.

As I was lying down I thought "This is it, I'm going to die" This must have hapenned 4 or 5 times and once I fainted, made a hole in the wall and wokeup in hospital diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse in the heart.

Prior to surgery with Dr Corazon Collantes, I was diagnosed perfectly healthy. Since her surgery, I've battled extreme illness, hellucinations and unbearable depression. I lost my ability to study and have been bedridden ever since.

I still don't understand why someone would lie to me and impose something so far from what we agreed upon.

I know it was not a good idea revising my nose when I was battling an infection from her surgery, but I could not cope with what she put on my face. It was not me, and it took my attractiveness away from me.

I understand now bad people live in this world, and they do not care about people, only making money. Dr Corazon lied allot to me about what she did and why she did it, she revealed to me that really she is just a very nice snake who fell in love with money. When I met her, she revealed she had a housekeeper, 2 drivers and a gardener. I wonder how she managed to build an empire on the blood and bones of innocent people?

None of her staff would even consider getting surgery with Dr Corazon. It's likely they saw even worse than what she did to me.

This isn't Plastic Surgery. It is a Plastic Surgeon. The only reason why she fixed the inside of my nose is because the nose surgeon she employed called the shots. The reason she went general on my liposuction was to teach other students how to do basic liposuction.

I did not know I would recieve such a poor result. My mistake was judging her on her word not her work.

There were many surgeons that would have done much better work, but I dismissed them and chose Dr Corazon because of her impressive Resume. I really wish I gave soneone else a chance instead of riding them off for lack of experience. I wasted my time, my body and my life on a surgeon who was a fraud and did not care. It was just the way she said things that made her appear as though she knew what she was doing. Such as calling other surgeons work 'Botched' and then herself botching her patients and providing tangible explanations as to the dissapointing outcomes of her own work. I think her play on words won her the 'fame game' but it was not the absolute truth.

It's sad that this is hapenning in this day and age and people are calling it acceptable. How someone can make money by shattering someones dreams and destroy their life and respond with 'What more could you want?'.

Unfortunately this is the world Im living in and these are the kinds of people living in it. Insincere, fraudulent type people who can make their fortune by any means, even if it creates profound human suffering.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Mother of Plastic Surgery

She earned a reputation as 'Mother of Plastic Surgery' due to her innovative techniques at a time when plastic surgery could use even the smallest tinsel of innovation.

I would be hard pressed to believe a surgeon purely by their word alone, again. When it came to my body, she certainly was a mother. A mother who thought she knew best.

I know that she had unlicensed trainee's witnessing the surgery and I do believe they were directly involved with the surgery itself. I suppose it was just an opportunity for her to capilitilize on gaining more funds. Obviously she learned how to maximize her funds over time and it appears that is her main priority regardless of the sincerity that she presents.

I think when I emailed her she had no intention to fulfill my wishes, it was likely she just wanted the money to add to her retirement fund.

I didn't think soneone who earned a reputation like that would be capable of being so deceptive.

She told me I should appreciate what 'she' did for me. When it was I who paid the surgeons fees for the cheap staff she hired; who did most of the work for her.

However regardless of the shocking result, she still believed she deserved creditation for what she did. Apparently 'she' fixed the insides of my nose. Not the surgeon working with her.

There was a big ditch on one side of my stomach, and it looked like there was a futile attempt to even it out on the other. Again, all areas that I consented were marked for lipo and those areas ignored as a rushed, general liposuction was performed on areas I did not consent.

She left me sick and botched and didn't offer a refund. She offered a revision but there is no way I would go back to that kind of faulty workmanship.

But you know... she is the 'Mother of Plastic Surgery' and she knows best.

Everything she did except for the lipo under the chin was completely wrong for my body and compromised, and I did not consent to it.

She still claims she had no choice but to superimpose such a result on me.

Who would have thought the 'Mother of Plastic Surgery' would be capable of that.

Read my first journal entry for what she did to completely impose on my nose and over resect my buccal fat pads.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Well thats it

I'm losing control over my body and the bad smell is re-appearing to my left ear. I don't have the energy to keep getting tests and antibiotics make me sick. I guess this insane woman was allowed to disfigure me, make me sick and leave me for dead, and she gets away with it.

I can't believe this is the kind of world I'm living in, and these kinds of decietful selfish, greedy people are what I'm dealing with.

No lawyer wants to help me unless I pay them allot of money, which I don't have. I'm desperately spending everything I have to try to get better.

It's time for me to let go and let nature finish me off. I hope Dr Corazon collantes feels proud of her quick botch lipo, and humpy droopy nose impositions. I never would have thought, if philipinos think she is a great surgeon then either they have extremely low standards or they are highly unintelligent people.

These people are so bad and so selfish, when they do something wrong they do nothing but try to cover their tracks. In all honestly, I wish Dra. CORAZON COLLANTES lifetimes of extreme pain, suffering and hardship and if I survive, I don't want anything to do with people. I prefer to live alone in the hills, away from people.

I am truly hurt and scarred, and most the lawyers in the Philippines are entirely too self interested to help.

What a bad, horrible and nasty person. What a terrible choice. Nobody would expect to come out looking worse and become extremely sick as the result of a surgeons who cuts corners to increase their profit. Lies, and hires cheap surgeons to do her work.

I want everyone to know, Dr Corazon is a bad person and an unethical surgeon and she should never have been allowed to keep her license. God saw everything she did, and all her lies to cover herself. All to save a buck. Geez. So done with this world. How can people like that be allowed to do what they do, and how could I have been so stupid to buy into her delusion.

Saturday, 28 January 2017


I had seen various bugs leave my body. I have felt crawling sensations. I identified one as a stink bug.

Other things ive seen leave my body which I did not see before my surgery are mites, fleas, crawlies (looks like little spider ants) my skin goes yellow like sometimes and I don't look as young as I used to.

My body feels very stiff.

I spoke to someone online and he told me about the term "necrophages". Bugs that help matter decompose.

Yupp. Im the living dead.

It doesn't matter how much I use my rife machine or take herbs, my body is still under enermous stress. Trying to survive while nature wishes to finish me off.

Having a possible myserious disease on top of all this does not make it easier.

Despite my slow and steady decline into death, no lawyer in manilla is willing to help me without a quite a fee. Whatabout out of good stature? Ha!

When the bhagadvagita spoke of this reality as sinful, it wasn't kidding!

I didn't realize this world is overcrowded with arrogant people. If I knew, I don't think I would put so much faith in it. The minute they have an oppertunity to do a good deed, their ego convinces them otherwise.

So im dying without proper recognition, not being assisted by any lawyer and the decieving surgeon keeps my money towards her 'lifestyle of the rich and famous' retirement fund. Meanwhile im spending every cent I have trying to survive.


Friday, 27 January 2017

When will this end

I cancelled my appointment with the bicom practitioner as I am just too tired. Emotionally I've settled down a little. I opted instead to purchase a health analyser. Thats another $600. Woah, this journey is expensive. Thanks to god I don't have to worry about my buccal fat pad but Im in despair that I have no hope in obtaining the body I desire.

I am finding myself falling deeper into sickness. I never imagined a trip to the Philippines to see a 'famed' surgeon would land me down this road. So what, that was just $5,000 for her.

I feel really douped. Now im fighting for my life. 8 months down of treatment. My main progress is that I'm no longer going to the hospital... well at least not as often.

So the trip cost me $9,000 altogether. With that money I spent, I recieved an attrocious result and a serious decline of my health... to the point of almost death.

I'm not sure I am going to survive this. Unless they give me antibiotic drips, this may be a long road of hell.

I'm not sure what kind of infection I got from her surgery or what caused it. But I am very very sick and im succombing to the reality that a trip to this surgeon cost me more than money, losing my beauty, it may probably cost me my life.

After her surgery I was battling severe anxiety, hurt, anger, severe fatigue and frustration. I attempted suicide twice. I did not want to look like that. That nose was my worst nightmare. It was worse than my biological nose. I gave up. I choose to die rather than live with that result.

But attempting suicide was far harder than I thought. God must be keeping me alive for a reason.

6 months after the surgery I had my nose revised in thailand. The whole trip cost me $10,000 altogether, I had to take half of that off my credit card but nothing was going to stop me from revising it. He wasn't able to give me what I wanted but it was much much better. I pushed myself to get up and see him. I didn't have much of a choice. I didn't come this far to look worse than ever. On my way back through the manilla airport, I almost collapsed. But I made it. God gave me the strength to survive those 2 weeks and come back home, he saw me through.

I couldn't believe someone would give me a pointy, droopy nose with a pinched tip and tell me she gave me a 'beautiful aladdin nose' wtf this lady is completely messed up. If I had known she was a fruad, god knows I would be in a better position.

So ive been taking allot of herbs and now, decided to make my own tinctures. Im being pro-active. Im at deaths door but this aint what god wants for me. I feel like he has told me in my heart than he needs me to stay and heal people. Ive noticed that allot of people are battling hard to treat infections in this era.

Surely this world cannot be a cruel, unforgiving place, full of false smiles and deception.

There must be someone in the Philippines who is ethical, compassionate, knowledgable and experienced who would give way to their analytical mind to see that justice must be served.

Surely I'm not alone. Surely god will send me someone to help me out of this predicament. Or am I expected to heal myself and fix this surgeons so called 'mistakes'. Sure, like its a mistake to ignore patient needs and wants while deliberately misleading them into thinking you will give them what they want.

I didn't know there were such fake deceptive people in this world and that I would fall victim to them.

I don't know who on earth would see someone so they can impose on them what they want against their will.

If I knew she had this distorted idea in mind god knows I would run.

I wish I could have read her mind...

But then again I did... on the day of the surgery in the hospital a surge of panic came through me, I knew something was wrong. I made her promise to just straighten my nose. I thought everything else was basically well understood. My intuition did pick up something was wrong.

She held my hand before I went under anesthesia and said "Don't worry, you're in good hands".

I should have trusted myself and backed out, but I thought it was just fear. It was more than that, it was an inner warning.

I learned from that experience to trust a person on their work, never their word. Surgeons don't put their work online if its terrible. But that doesn't stop them from doing it.

It would be nice to live in a world where people honour their word.

I think she is a demonic person. I think she imposed her own desire of what I should look like on me, which was totally wrong for me. The best way to choose a surgeon, is to see if their work fits in with your vision. Nobody will go out their way for you.

But I hope not to get anymore surgery, just enough to fix what has gone wrong.

Ok I have to go hard on the herbs and rife. Im deeply sick and the only thing that is sustaining me is god. The antibiotics scare me. They exasperated problems with my heart.

Patience. Patience... God please bring the right lawyer to me!!


Saturday, 14 January 2017


I know I got an infection from the Philippines as I've been bedridden since the surgery. Before my surgery there, I was studying part time.

Now I'm in bed all day. I'm very scared of what my body will look like when I lose weight, as the liposuction was performed completely unproportionally. I found one person in the Domican Republic who does superb work, but even if I could afford it, which I can't right now. I'm far too sick for surgery.

If I had only not made that choice. I regret judging my surgeon on her reputation as opposed to her actual work. It's not difficult to decieve people.

I'm taking anti parasitic herbs, liver cleansing herbs and oregano essential oil as it is a natural antibiotic. I have been rifing the lyme infections; babesia, ehrlichia, bartonella, borrelia, mycoplasma. However I can't seem to find the problem that has made me so sick. I am too exhausted to get further blood tests, and I remain bedridden for the time being.

I think I was very neive to believe this woman in the Philippines. I think people these days care more about money than people.

Im seeing a bicom therapist so I can get a printout of what infections im dealing with.

My buccal fat pads are still growing back; I'm very thankful for that. Unfortunately im not seeing much success growing back the fat on my body. I can't believe I am living im a world where people are allowed to do what my plastic surgeon did and get away with it.

If I could recover I would want to go to the Philippines and take this woman to court. But with the current state of my health this is impossible. I know there must be a good, ethical, affordable god serving lawyer in manilla who is well versed in medical malpractice and would want to help.

I continue to meditate and pray that I no longer live in a world of deceit and injustice. I have called upon the holy fire to help purify me and the world. I want to live in a fair and just society where we care more about helping people than building our own empire.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Keeping safe the natural way

In my recovery from multiple infectious illnesses and mental hysteria, I have found essential oils such as Eucalyptus oil and Tee Tree oil to be most useful and highly therapeutic. Bosisto offers oils and cleaning products, highly safe, highly effective, and affordable. Works even better than chemical products. With allergies and sensitivities, I need what nature provides.


Wednesday, 11 January 2017

The nose revision

6 months after the surgery I jumped on a plane to thailand to see a nose specialist who was famed for fixing botched noses. He advised me I needed osteometry as it was the only way my nose could be straightened, I declined. He revised my nose with donor rib cartlidge. I decided to see him as a victim of bad rhinoplasty in Australia advised me to.

Shortly after the surgery I was very happy with the nose, but I was concerned as I expected it to be bigger following surgery.

To my dissapointment the side still lacked projection but the front was still good.

As the swelling settled down, my (almost) dream nose turned into an improved version of my first revision. All in all, that makes 4 nose jobs. The surgeon was right, the crookedness returned as the nose needed osteometry.

The surgery cost me $9,000 AUD and was not the nose I wanted.

The mistake that almost cost me my life

In December 2013 I decided to see a cosmetic surgeon for plastic surgery following frustrations about not being able to acheive the body I desire.

Me and the surgeon agreed to the following;

Buccal fat pad removal
Liposuction under the chin
Liposuction around the waist
Rhinoplasty revision

I advised the surgeon that I wanted the nose straightened and the tip projected forwards, a slight sucked in look with my buccal fat pads, and waist lipo.

The surgeon seemed confident she would deliver the result she promised. I showed her photoshopped pictures of exactly how I wanted my nose and cheeks. When I was in her office I even put nose splints in my nose to further demonstrate the appearance I desired. Not once did she decline nor tell me what I wanted was unachievable.

When I awoke from the aneasthesia the result was my worst nightmare come to reality. My nose was sketchy thin (it was not swollen at that point), it had a dorsal hump and elongated downwards promptly, furthermore than I had ever had in my life and the tip was very pointy and pinched. I would say it was quite opposite to what I desired.

I expressed my extreme distaste for what I found embedded in the middle of my face. The surgeon told me it looked fine and that the tip would lift. It did not.

Furthermore I noticed a lumpiness and hardenning up of tissue on my ribcage area. I realised this area was not the area that was marked for liposuction.

As time went by, I formed two indentations on my cheeks and my body had formed an odd hour glass shape with my lovehandles portruding out. The tip of my nose continued to droop over time. The premaxillary area of the nose became depressed into my face. The nose began to form into a thin, pinched beak like shape. My left ear cartlidge was also over resected and disappeared into the side of my head. An awful odour also began to omit out of my left ear - the ear to which cartlidge was resected.

6 months later I booked a flight to see a nose specialist who was famed for fixing botched noses. The surgery took in total 5 hours. The appearance was much improved.

With prayer and meditation I was able to activate a process which allowed my buccal fat pads to grow back. They began to grow back and as did some of my ear cartlidge.

Over time I was becoming increasingly ill and tired. Doctors were not able to find the problem. I had begun hellucinating at that point; such as, seeing objects duplicate disappear and re-appear, and fearing family members were part of a spiritual conspiracy to have me 'pass over'. Finally, I sought assistance from a bicom practitioner. She found numerous bacteria including borrelia bugderfori and bartonella henslai - common in lymes disease sufferers.

In 2016 I sought treatment with bicom but results were limited. I decided to buy my own rife machine called 'Spooky2'. I have been stradily treating myself with herbs and rife. I have improved much so, I am no longer hellucinating and the stench coming out of my left ear has ended, however I am still very fatigued and bedridden. I am on a course of antibiotics, herbs and rife.

Most of my buccal fat pads have revealed itself and some of my ear cartlidge has returned. The waist liposuction has still left me with very obvious streaks around my rib cage, indentations and an oddly shape. My nose is much improved however it has reduced in size, I continue to enlargen my nose in pictures.

At the moment revision surgery is out of the question as I am far too ill and my money has gone towards healing my body. I am also smoking to help me cope with the crippling depression and anxiety I feel everyday.

I fear I will never be beautiful again.