Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Dra Corazon Jose Collantes is Evil

I know that monsters exist,

But they exist in the form of humans.

I never thought that people would fake their surgical training, play frankenstein with people, then lather themselves up with false pride and esteem. Sit in their high chair pretending to be kings and queens, while compromising on human life in the name of money.

I understand now you should not trust these people and fight temptations when they come.

They do not care,

They only want your money.

They are shameless, full of illusion and false pride.

They are not welcome in the future.

They can take other forms of life.

These fake surgical boards need to be closed down, and the deceivers creating them need to be put in prison.

If we let people like this do what they do, hell has truly frozen over and life is very dangerous.

Imagine, a demon might come in the form of a human to disfigure you and take your money.

#mother of plastic surgery my ass

Thursday, 4 July 2019

What i've learned (Dra Corazon Collantes Jose)

I guess what I've learned is that wicked and evil people appear very nice and as though they care.

They appear like they want to help you but they just want your money.

Dra Corazon Jose Collantes believes she is some kind of upper class philanthropic.

But she's just an evil low-class snake-demon.

And she has been officially classified as a 'non-plastic surgeon who has never had any plastic surgery training' by the Phillipino Association of  Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (PAPRAS). She created her own fake cosmetic surgery board (Phillipino Society for Cosmetic Surgery - PSCS to suck people in and make money off them, especially she has been hiring other people to do her dirty work and fashioned workshops of outdated techniques to make even more money.

Walking around like she is 'The mother of Cosmetic surgery' and of course hiding money from the tax office since time immemorial.

This kind of person claims she is an upper-class philanthropic?

People like that need to be extinguished out of society. They are like weeds, they grow fast but give no fruit.

What I understand is that upper class people are the humanitarians, the heroic, the kind, the generous and the truthful. Builders and farmers are upper class, what would we do without them?

Especially the ones who do what they do in order to fulfill their duty even when they make little.

People like Dra Corazon Collantes are just evil gold digging snake-like demons.

Friday, 3 May 2019


I understand now, before trusting a person. Take a look at them, look at their hand gesture, the way their eyes glance, how they talk and look closely. There are genuinely evil people on this planet. Corazon Collantes Jose was an evil imposter who had no plastic surgery training and was putting people at risk and botching them up all in the name of money. Next time I will look closely at someone before I trust them.

*Tone of voice (insincere fake nice voice)
*Eye gesture (looking away, avoiding guilt and shame)
*Vocal (inferior, superiority complexes, believing their income defines their status, fame naming - these are all signs of a sadistic self obsessed and cunning person - Corazon Collantes Jose believes she is 'upper class' and defines her reputation by other 'upper class' people she associates with.)
*Body movement (fidgeting, confused, guilty, awkward, indirect).

There are evil people in this world that will be happy to destroy your life for money. When Looking to get plastic surgery check for your countrys proper plastic surgery board (avoid the fake ones).

I trust that the lord will conquer people who participate in such shameful acts and suffer them until they appropriate their behaviour.

The real plastic surgeons, the hero's and true hearts, don't try to launder money from you. They are there working around the clock to fix deformities and other issues and they are not stealing money from people and delivering poor results like these fake plastic surgeons are.

These people are lying and stealing and they have convinced themselves that what they are doing is ok. And they would destroy you for money. That is the reality of the people that are still living on this planet.

What people don't realize is that evil is served with ten levels of nice. My biggest mistake is not allowing myself to perceive that some people are evil.

The bible is true. The bible is true.

Sometimes these demons make appearances to us as people, yet they always continue to seek to destroy no matter what form they are in. They cannot help it. That is the nature of the demon. I understand now that demons do get born in human bodies. But not all of them compromise on integrity to get what they want.

'Its ok, its ok' That's what she told herself when the cheap non plastic surgeon she hired said he needs to droop my nose down and put a hump in it. 'Its ok, its ok', that's what I told myself when my fear told me this is a bad idea.

... Sometimes when we are in an emotional state we make bad decisions.

And we say 'its okay'.

'Its ok, its ok' that's what the world says when they see a dermatologist performing liposuction or a general practitioner performing nose jobs.

My question to this world is...

Is it really ok?