I really want to give this advice to people who may be thinking about getting Plastic Surgery.
Please consider a few things. Firstly, your plastic surgeon won't get affected if you end up looking like a Raggy Doll that's been chewed up by a dog. It's more than likely your surgeon is pretty detached and unaffected by his or her results enough that they don't have a problem, crunching, cutting and snapping bits of your body up with blood squirting out.
Your plastic surgeon is probably going to charge as much money as they can. If they cared, they would probably lower their price to help people as opposed to saving up for a ferrari.
Your plastic surgeon is mostly not held liable for their actions. So in my case, if your surgeon decides for a quick lipo, or imposing a totally different result to what was agreed on, your completely out of luck.
If I was to give advice to anyone on Plastic Surgery, I would say don't do it. Your body is too important to be lost to a lunch time lipo job.
There are actually pretty inexpensive and completely free ways to transform your body. One of them is Carole Magios Facersize. I got the best and Most Natural looking Eye Lift ever thanks to My Girl Carole. Now I know many people assume she's had Plastic Surgery. But believe me, there is no plastic surgeon that can make a 70 something year old woman look like that. None!
Your Health. If you don't have the energy to exercise, you're probably dealing with pretty much what the majority of the population is dealing with. An Immune System that just can't keep up with the times - and allot of hidden infections that won't come up in standard blood tests. Make sure you check out the Spooky2 Rife System.
And Last But not Least. As Crazy as this may sound. If I had to do it again, I would use Orins "Clearing Energy With Your Divine Self" which you can download on www.orindaben.com There is certainly a metaphysical component to people recieving a tragic result and thats mostly because... Tragically... Different Versions of The Same People Truly Do Exist.
Judge a Surgeon on their Work More Than Anything, And Never on Their Word Alone. You're pretty much going to get what they give Everybody Else.
Just Rely on yourself, and god. I learned that the hard way, People in general aren't working for you. They are working against you.