So let's sumarize what this poor excuse for a human being; Did to my body:
1. Imposed the complete utter opposite of what we agreed on with my nose;
Resected even more of the septum leaving it super thin
Resected even more of the lower lateral cartlidge, sutured it up and added miniscule concheal implant leaving me with a super pointy tip.
Added a dorsal hump
Derotated the tip, giving me frankly, the droopiest nose I've ever had. Far droopier than even my biological nose.
Reduced Premaxillary projection, so my nose hooks inward.
2. Took the whole buccal fat pads out, leaving two indentations on my cheeks.
3. Shaved down all the fat around my rib cage. Which frankly looks horrible on someone with a slender frame who weighs 83kg!!!
Leaving obvious streaks where she meticulously removed the fat around my rib cage.
Ignored the correct areas which were marked for liposuction.
4. Hired the cheapest staff she could possibly find + used my body as an oppertunity to train 2 more students.
5. Sent me to a cheap hospital leaving me with a deadly mutent strep infection which sent me to hospital many times, left me bedbound to this day and almost took my life.
6. Continuelly lied about her actions, not taking responsability and blaming it on external factors.
If this is what The Philippines regards as 'The Mother of Plastic Surgery' I urge all travellers to stay away from The Philippines. Obviously this must be a very Primitive and Underdeveloped Country to assign a Horror Surgeon Known as 'Dr Corazon Jose Collantes' the Label 'Mother of Plastic Surgery'. If anyone ever asks me about Dr Corazon Collantes, I will tell them straight; She's a Horror Surgeon Straight from Hell. Keep your kids, your friends and your neighbhours away from this phoney, fake and decietful woman.